This is a Viper Performance Chip Power Plug review. This Performance Chip can be found on ebay from seller viper777a7_1.
Company Profile
The seller is registered on ebay and sells this product exclusively. We were not aware of any website selling this chip at the time of this review. The seller has quite a few negative feedbacks present, so this is not a good sign to begin with, given the relatively low ebay feedback score at the time of this review (33). Here is the negative feedback left so far – if they are to be believed, this chip has caused real damage to some vehicles:

The cost on ebay at the time of this review was $55.00, which is a VERY suspect price, as no real tuners can be designed this cheaply.
Product Appearance

We purchased one of these modules from ebay for testing. Immediately we noticed the first red flag – the size and shape of the case. There are numerous other chips available in other colors and ‘brands’ of the same shape and size, but so far they all have been proven to be nothing but Nitro OBD scam clones. Hopefully this one will be different. It is unique in that it is the first orange module we have come across to date. Many products make big claims, but do they really work?
Internal Analysis
After removing the cover of the module, we immediately noticed an old familiar circuit board design:

The circuit board is identical to the previous “Powertune Performance Chip’ review, and is built around a hidden SMD IC on the rear of the circuit board, which is a STM8S003F3 IC. Right away we see a problem here, because if one pulls up the datasheet for the STM8S003F3 IC, we see from the manufacturer, ST, that this chip has a maximum program memory size of only 8KB:

Online searching shows that ECU maps for a vehicle will be at least 20KB in size or larger PER MAP! This is way too large for the STM8S003F3 IC to contain. So, if this is the case, there are no genuine vehicle maps onboard this module. What can be stored in such a small sized space then? It would be perfect for a fancy light blinker.
We looked a little closer and removed the circuit board from the OBD connector shell itself. What we noticed is another BIG fed flag:

There are only a total of eight connections to the OBD shell. All other pins are NOT CONNECTED! Here is a view of the top pf the PCB:

Notice the only pins connected to the circuit board are the following pins: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16. What does this mean? When we check the OBD protocols and the corresponding pins required, we see another problem:

From this chart, we see the following protocols and which pins must be present for them to be used:
CAN – 4, 6, 14, 16
PWM -2, 4, 5, 10, 16
VPW – 2, 4, 5, 16
ISO – 4, 5, 7, 16
So we can conclude from this that the Viper module:
The only protocol left, VPW, is used on a very small number of vehicles. The vast majority use either CAN or ISO protocols. This is the final nail in the coffin – even if the chip were somehow able to magically modify the vehicle operation, the pins needed for most vehicles are not even connected to the circuit board! However, the two most important pins, 4 and 16, which supply GND and +12V to power the light blinker ARE there 😉
In addition, the module claims to be custom programmed for a specific vehicle model. If this is the case, where is the programming port to flash the module with the vehicle programming? There are programming connections to the left of the stm chip, but they are inaccessible once the circuit board is assembled. Why is this significant? Because it proves once again, like the NitroOBD scam, that the chip is programmed with the same light blinker program BEFORE it is assembled! This means the same program is used in all modules and it is impossible for this module to be custom programmed for a specific vehicle.
We connected the chip to our 2012 BMW 530i 3.0L test vehicle as instructed and the lights came on as expected. The lights began to blink in the same sequence as the NitroOBD chip did:

We followed the instructions and drove at least 200+ miles to give it the benefit of the doubt, and…… nothing. No power increase from the Viper Power Plug, no fuel economy gains – nothing. We did, however, see a neat light show inside a pretty orange case!
It is clear from our analysis so far that the Viper Performance Module Power Plug is nothing but another Nitro OBD light blinker scam. From feedback on ebay there are reports of vehicle damage. There is the possibility of vehicle damage at worst, a pretty light show at best.
Company Response
We sent the following message to the company before completing this review, and received this response.
Our message to the company:
We are an automotive performance chip review group and saw your performance chip. We have a few questions about your product:
1) Can you assure us this is not a NitroOBD scam? If so, why does the PCB inside look EXACTLY like the Nitro OBD chip?
2) Do you have any real-world proof of your performance?
Thanks for helping us to gather more information about your product for buyers on the net!
Company’s response:
They did not even attempt to defend their junk product.
From our research and review, it is our opinion that the Viper Performance Chip Module DOES NOT WORK. You will DEFINITELY want to avoid this!
Average Horsepower (HP) Gain: | |
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Total Rating |

Thank you bub I bought a 2000 tahoe and the guy threw this in with the truck I tried twice to Program it 200+ miles even completely resetting the computer in the truck the second time ive yet to find a plug and play for 5.3 chevy trucks that actually work …..
Do not use this product, ordered stage 3 module 4 my BMW…Mistake!!!!!! Cause my double Vanos system to Jump timing, 3200 later lesson learned, get a Professional tune on all Vehicles..SCAM💩💩💩